Los Angeles Latina Singer Ruth Tejeda : Making Her Own Reality !

Bryan Pineda
3 min readJan 29, 2020

The beautiful truth of self love & confidence.

Artist Ruth Tejeda setting a smile for a picture.

As young kids we were told stories of the generations before us. Stories on what our family was about and what truly meant most to them. Most of us have heard the story over five times already and are tired of listening to it, right !

Well not for the Los Angeles Latina singer, Ruth Tejeda. At the age of sixteen not only was she dedicated to her academics at La Serna High School, she was also dedicated on carrying down her family legacy with music. She listened to her parents stories in the music of Bachata, Salsa, Cumbias and many more.

Ruth has enjoyed her life as a singer since she was just a little girl. Motivated by the life long Mexican musicians in her family, she joined her father’s music business as a singer where she began touring with his band. Not because she had too, but because it’s what her heart wanted.

On the side of being nervous in front of huge crowds and performing at unfamiliar places. She kept moving forward and began touching people’s hearts with her voice.

But how did she get passed the nerves ?

She believed in herself and loved what she was doing because it made her confident.

While family and friends were being blessed with her voice, Ruth had to put a hold on her music.

She was being blessed with a beautiful daughter as her parents once did with her. She began a new life as a full time mother and focused her time in raising her daughter.

Almost three years later, with her daughter a bit older, she decided to pursue her dreams once again.

“ My daughter motivates me to keep moving forward. I want to lead an example for her and show her that if you pursue your dreams, they are going to become a reality. You just have to keep it up and never give up” said Ruth.

With the confidence she had in herself she was able to work with various bands who each gave her new opportunities to better her voice. Each opportunity was a step towards her dream.

She was making her own reality.

She says “ Music is my life, and I would not be the same person with out it.”

After blooming her voice into the hearts of her listeners they followed her into her current landing with Sonora de Los Angeles.

A Latin based band that has been around for over twenty-two years.

Ruth Tejeda continues to expand her voice as she steps towards her dreams again by setting up time to record her own music.

Setting up time to write down her stories for future generations, like her daughter, to listen and pass along with them.

With the confidence she has in herself she proudly said…

“ I am still looking for more.”

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Ruth Tejeda and Bryan Pineda

